
I’ve been feeling slightly overwhelmed lately. I sometimes question my abilities.

I’m 100 percent God has me on an amazing path, but I have to be okay with not knowing the reason and ending.

I was so excited when I finally listened to those cues God was giving me and quit my job to become a full time health coach from home. I was excited to spend more time following God’s lead so He could use me in whatever purpose He has planned to help others. Business continues to grow and I feel so confident I’m on a path He’s carved out for me.

Then this year, I decided to homeschool my oldest. It’s harder and more challenging than I expected (like who knew I’d spend an hour every day at my age learning Latin 🤷🏼‍♀️). It’s taking more time than I expected. I think I’m going to love it (if I can help him see my love for science and how cool it is to learn 😂), and I know it’s the right choice for us now.

But knowing you are on the right path doesn’t always mean it’s easy. I feel like those 6 hours the other kids are in school is stretched so thin between homeschool, my business, my self-care, my 5 year old, and heaven forbid I have time to clean the house 🙄

I have over 400 customers, and just with our nutritional program alone, I have 5 groups of 10-20 small success tribes I’m walking through the program ❤️ I have a kick butt team that I see blossoming before me, ready to change their lives and those around them. And sometimes I question if I can be enough for all these people. I’m the type of coach that can see soooo much potential in people and I want to give so much to them to help them reach it.

Sometimes I question my abilities. I question my abilities to give as much as I want to my clients. I question my abilities to be a leader. I definitely question my abilities to be a teacher for my son.

Yet, I have to remind myself I’m not doing this alone. God does have the abilities to handle it all. He’s not going to give me a job that He hasn’t designed me to thrive in.

“You are a child of God: you have His spirit. How can you fail? You are God’s masterpiece: anointed for greater works. God has loaded you with wisdom, strength, abundance, grace, favor, talent, and abilities. You are too loaded to fail!”

So this morning I got up an hour earlier. I spent a “power hour” on my business. I’m ready to conquer the day. I’ve got this!

It’s okay that we don’t always feel capable, because we know God is.

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